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Expert Auto Glass

Over 40 years of experience in windshield, side glass, and backglass replacement for all vehicles.

Auto Glass Services

Expert replacement and installation of windshields, side glass, and backglass for all vehicles.

We work with your insurance

We'll work with your insurance so you can worry less. Just let your insurance know that you want Express Auto Glass to work on your vehicle.

Free Mobile Service

We offer a free mobile service! We go to you. We value your time, and we want our services to be as convenient as possible. We can go to your office so we can work on your car while valuing your time.

We work on big trucks

Express Auto Glass offers windshield replacement on big trucks, from service trucks to semi-trucks.

Auto Glass

Classic Cars

Specializing in glass for vehicles from the 1940s onwards.

Luxury Vehicles

High-quality glass services for luxury and performance cars.

A close up of the front of an old car
A close up of the front of an old car
Modern Cars

Expert solutions for vehicles with advanced technology.

Comprehensive Services

Complete auto glass solutions for every type of vehicle.